Saturday, August 26, 2006

OneWord - So Little Time [original]

Martin is my original garden gnome. He has tended my garden with pride, but needed a little (no pun intended) help. Today, four new gnomes arrived, one for each direction of my compass rose herb garden! It's always good to have direction.

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Thanks for another good word, Samual Spade! You are definitely an original!


Sam Spade said...

Great One Word...there's no place like Gnome,now you have five that feel right at home

Osquer said...

Neat little couplet, Sam. Thanks!

Osquer said...

Wow, Lefty! That's so visually rich!

Paperback Writer said...

I can't think of anything original, I thought darkly. I took the dab of yellow paint and smeared it across the stark white canvas. Biting my lip, I picked up my paintbrush and started adding the rest of the brilliant colors to the canvas.

"Okay," I said out loud, "maybe I can think of something original to paint."