Saturday, June 03, 2006

Speaking of Star Wars...

Paperback Writer did a recent post about crushes. I keep meaning to respond to that one. I won't go into my recent crushes now, but my first three were (and still are) quite interesting.

My first crush was Darth Vader. Star Wars was the first film I saw in a theater and I was at a very impressionable age. I came to realize later that I wanted to be Princess Leah. (Oh that Han Solo, but Harrison Ford was a later crush. Don't get me started on Indiana Jones!) I guess I have a thing for villains, too. I always imagined Darth with a handsome but scarred face. That was before Luke pulled off the helmet in Return of the Jedi and showed us that it was really Uncle Fester underneath. What a let down!

My second crush was Dracula. My fascination with vampires is for another post. I'll share some poetry.

As I got a little older, I turned away from the dark side a bit. I discovered Sherlock Holmes! I read every story and novel straight through. I re-read one of the stories recently and rediscovered my love for Doyle's use of language. There's something about a man who plays the violin and smokes a pipe. Plus he's eccentric!

Looking back now I can't help but wonder if I didn't just have a thing for men in cloaks.


Osquer said...

So glad you stopped by! Yeah. Johnny Depp is tasty in any guise!

Paperback Writer said...


Oh, man oh man.

I read Dracula when I was 12...*sigh*

I recently watched Coppola's Dracula again - it was Coppola who directed it, right? And I have to say Gary Oldman as Dracula...yum!

Osquer said...

Sigh Gary Oldman! Sirius Black!

What, no takers for Sherlock? I love Basil Rathbone's voice! I want him to read me poetry! Edgar Allen Poe!

Sam Spade said...

My two Star Wars jokes:1:What is Darth Vader's wife'sname?Ella
2:what is R2-D2's gay cousin called?RU-12
My single Holmes joke:Watson,"I say Holmes,what kind of student's watch The Simpson's more-high school students,or middle school students?"Holmes,"Elementary,my dear,Watson,elementary."

Osquer said...

Sir Sam: Boo hisssss! LOL!