Friday, September 08, 2006

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Ten

Name 3 things that you are wearing today.

1. Doc Marten sandals
2. glasses
3. an optimistic outlook

Who was the last person you hugged?

Mmmmmm - Jay!

What do you like to order from your favorite fast food place?

French fries and ranch dressing!

Until last night I would have said a six inch turkey and bacon sub toasted on hearty Italian with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, mayo, salt, pepper and vinegar, but the person (and I use the term loosely!) that waited on me at Subway yesterday was the most miserable person ever to do so. Normally I just let a person like that go and am grateful to leave, but it was such a bad experience that I actually said at one point, "You know, I realize you hate your job, but..." and I just let the sentence trail off. I think she got the point, though, because she finally managed to get my order correct. As I was leaving she actually snarled at me, "Have a wonderful evening." I did have a wonderful evening (Steelers won!) but it certainly had nothing to do with her.

Whew! Thanks for letting me vent!

Main Course
What time of day do you usually feel most energized?

Hmmmmm. Trick question as I usually have more energy after the sun goes down…any time between late afternoon and the wee hours of the morning, I guess.

Using the letters in your first name, write a sentence. (Example: Sweet unusual spaniels are nice.)

Obscure sci-fi quotes unearth enigmatic references.



Great feast you have here. Love it all the way from Appetizer to your dessert. Is that you on the photo?
Thanks for passing by.

Osquer said...

The chef for my feast is Todd at The Pointe at Wheeling Island. The link that Jay's name leads to is us at Phipps Conservatory.

Unknown said...

First, I love #3 in your Appetizer. Very nice to know someone can do this on such a glorious day!

Then, your entire feast is scrumptious.

Happy the Steeler's won. And what a downright shame the ol' biddy was such a snob at Subway.

Anonymous said...

Very nice feast. :) I like your dessert! :)

Osquer said...

Ha ha! Thanks Wystful 1, but she wasn't an ol'biddy. She was probably under 20 years old! Sad to be so miserable so young!

Thanks, Caylynn!

mmog37 said...

I give this feast Two Thums Up!
Great job...I enjoyed your dessert =)

Margaret said...

Your salad has my tummy grumbling. Is it dinner time yet? Great feast! Have a great weekend. -Margie