Wednesday, August 30, 2006

OneWord - so little time [disingenuous]

I have to admit that my comment to my supervisor, that his idea was brilliant, was a bit disingenuous. That's only because it was actually my concept in the first place. Of course, the only way to get him to implement it was to convince him it was all his notion.

* * * * * * *

Thanks, Rob! It's always good to give my language center a bit of exercise. I knew the word, but it's not one I use often.


What If There Is dog? said...

"I wouldn't move there if I were you,"huffed the old man."Why not?'came my reply.Oh,not reason,"he said ina somewhat disingenous tone,"Except the plcce is haunted."

Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's the word of the day!