Thursday, August 24, 2006

a blast from my past

WHALESONG (tanka series - 1989)

Lightning foam ripples

the glass surface of the night

water, and the deep

thrumming of whalesong thunders

across an island dreamscape

A lone figure, I

pause, feet nestled in the sand

I listen to the

cries of the leviathans

and I desire to join them

My spirit hungers

to loose itself, escape the

imprisoning land

and wander there among those

gentle creatures of the sea

Their massive flukes stand

silhouetted against the

clouded, moonlit sky

like wings of seraphim, there

suspended for a moment

They slip down, sounding

beneath the inky, whorled depths

as they merge with the

velvet line of horizon

piercing water with voices

Only their mournful

echoes remain to assure

me of their steady

presence, sure and free; somehow

they are here . . . within my mind


Anonymous said...

Whoozer!An instant exellent classic.This is almost Biblical sounding,like a modern day psalm.Fantastic!

Osquer said...

Thank you, Sam. It's hard for me to belive I was 17 when I wrote this. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday.

floots said...

(i cried the first time i saw whales - off new england a few years back)
only seventeen too

Osquer said...

I felt that way when I saw porpoises riding the bow wave of a boat I was on in Alaska. I was fourteen. I've not actually seen whales. It's a childhood dream of mine to see Humpbacks in the wild. Some day...

Pat Paulk said...

Very good!! Grew up with dolphins. I would love to see whales in the wild too.