Wednesday, June 21, 2006

One Word - So Little Time [tattoo]


I awoke to a horrible cacaphonic tattoo echoing through the treetops above me. It was Sam hammering a nail into the wood above my head. "Sorry, luv," he smirked, "Your hammock was working itself loose." He tossed the hammer into a nearby pack and sauntered off into the underbrush...

(Tuesday, June 20, 2006 15:55 EST)

Since seems to be out of commission today, my good frind Samual Spade was kind enough to suggest a word so I wouldn't go through withdrawl. Thanks, Sam!


Sam Spade said...

Hi!This is Benny Hill-ish type funny.I laughed out loud :-o

Paperback Writer said...

I really liked this one....couldn't tell you why though!

Changeit said...

I dig the magnets